Posted in Blogging, personal development

1 step to bring about action

There’s a force that attempts to stall your progress. Steven Pressfield refers to this force as RESISTANCE.

I’ve personally referred to this resistance as the Dark Shadow Voice and while I may not align with all of Steven Pressfield’s conclusions, that doesn’t prevent me from benefitting from a good portion of what he has to say. Especially this:


I’m laughing out loud this morning because I began this post 8 days ago and neglected to finish it.

Completely illustrating Steven Pressfield’s point to myself and anyone else who needs this message. That could be many or it could be nobody besides myself, who, as it’s been made clear to me, obviously needs it. So I’m all ears for the message as to just what that one step is.

1) Acknowledge and DIG DEEPER to find the source of the force.

Oh, is that all? 🤣

It’s one thing to recognize the main factor- in this case resistance, and quite another to dig through a myriad of layers within our psyche to get to the core of what’s behind the resistance, which is clearly a force of our own making requiring intensive dissection and reflection once it’s been unearthed.

As with most forces

many of which, though perhaps not “real” in a fact-based, see-smell-hear-taste-experience type of way, are absolutely real to the person experiencing it.


Speaking of which, why do we have such difficulty BELIEVING another’s story when they attempt to tell us what they’re experiencing without the confirmation of aforementioned “proof”?

Probably because it’s easiest to confuse what’s real with what makes sense to us personally based on the lens of our own life experience, leaving us short-sighted.

Often without realizing we’re doing it.

That’s a post for another day, but also a personal reminder to check myself and adjust my lens. Again. And again. Then repeat on a loop…

But back to resistancedid anybody else notice how I seem to be resisting the completion of this post on resistance? 😁

In naming your resistance, start first by acknowledging that there IS resistance. Once you’ve done that, peel the first layer shown to you and begin there.

I’ve located and will share mine:


With no concern for time, peel the layers as they are revealed to you. Don’t try to rush it, because there is no doing so. It must happen in its own time.

I’ll share my personal conclusions as they’re revealed.

As always, please feel free to share your experience if you’re led to do so. It matters and I appreciate you.

Posted in personal development

The Path of Totality

It’s Solar Eclipse 2024 day and I’m blessed with being, as I just found out from USA Today, in the path of totality, meaning I will see a total eclipse where the sun will be completely obscured by the moon for 2 minutes 53 seconds.

This is amazing!

Even more amazing to me, or “amazeballs” as one of my favorite organizational youtubers, Clutterbug, would say, is the thought provoking phrase:


What a magnificent way to word the journey we’re on as seekers!

THE PATH OF TOTALITY. It rolls right off the tongue.

Needless to say, I’ll be borrowing it for repurposing, as it completely sums up the philosophy of wholeness of self I aim to convey with the fitBEYONDform mindset.

A mindset that understands:

  • true fitness reaches BEYOND your body
  • true wealth reaches BEYOND the amount of $$ you have
  • true beauty reaches BEYOND a pretty face
  • true empowerment reaches BEYOND wielding complete power
  • true love reaches BEYOND romantic, partnered relationships
  • you see where I’m going, so I’ll stop here but you keep going…
  • __________________________________________________________________

It’s not one thing, it’s EVERYTHING. It’s not one person, it’s EVERYONE. It’s about reaching a point where you can begin to fathom an invisible interconnectedness that seemingly exists beyond but in actuality resides within each of us.


Reaching that realization is a process.

It’s a winding, gentle, hilly, rocky, awesome, painful, serene, horrible, beautiful, intense, harsh, astonishingly magical journey on the path to totality.

And whether we realize it or not, we’re on it together, friends.

Let’s do our best to keep working on remembering that.

****If you’re wondering what Raylan Givens (featured image for this post) has to do with the subject of today’s post, your curiosity is justified . I can’t resist a pun! lol It actually has nothing more to do with the fact that I love Raylan and his quotes and felt like sharing this one. And looking at his picture. But that’s beside the point…😉