Posted in Blogging

You’re a snowball

What do you think happens to your past selves?

I’m not talking about past lives (right now anyway 😉 ) I’m talking about this life. You know, the one you are and have been navigating since you arrived here.

Where do you suppose the 1 year old in you, the 5 year old, the 25 year old, the 50 year old (if, like me, you happen to be over 50– 8 years over to be precise) etc… reside?

They reside within you.

You’re a snowball.

Every life layer rolling you into one giant ball of continually increasing capacity.

New layers don’t negate the old layers- they simply add and enhance further depth and breadth.

Remembering this about yourself allows you to pull from every facet of your being to help get you where you’re headed, reminding you that you’re never actually alone, and that just as Christopher Robin assured Pooh,

“you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

I’ve already told you there’s a can-do coach inside of you, actually that’s the least of it!

You’ve. Got. A. Whole. Damn. Team.

It’s time you started delegating.

Let the 5 year old in you light the fire when your 60 year old self is struggling to find warmth in anything and allow the 20 year old you to aid in stirring your potential for passion. Run with the joy of 10 year old you and think with your 16 year old self’s sense of possibility and wonder.

It’s all still in there. In YOU.

You’re a snowball. USE IT.

Keep on rolling and building. That’s your mission.

*This video is one of a series I used to share on my twitter account. I watch them occasionally now to allow past Lisa to motivate current Lisa to a) get fired up and keep her ass moving when it’s the last thing I “feel” like doing. b)remember and focus on things she knows but must continually be reminded of anyway. Continually. As in all the time. c) Get over appearance of my physical self in order to tap into the empowered energy of the true self, reminding me (current Lisa) of who she actually IS.*

Be IN the ONE thing

When I’m dragging, I often delegate Past Lisa to coach and fuel me. You don’t need a video of your past self to tap into it (but if you do, utilize it!) just a willingness to trust your inner selves and allow them to empower you.

Navigating life becomes so much easier when you don’t expect your solitary self to do the work intended for a team.


Certified elite fitness trainer/transformation &nutrition specialist and energy intuitive coach encouraging the emergence of our empowered energy. Spiritual warrior wife and mom enrolled at "neurodiversity university" seeking adventure, enlightenment and understanding.

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